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McEathron Media

Other Services

Post Buy Analysis

McEathron Media can provide your business with a post buy analysis to ensure you receive all advertising and audience delivery as promised by suppliers. Once complete, compensation can be negotiated for any campaigns that achieve less than 100% commercial delivery and 90% audience delivery. This system offers the following benefits...

  • Your advertising gets results
  • Waste is minimized. Results are maximized.
  • You get campaigns that are providing tangible ROI

This way you only pay for what you receive.

Media Audit

McEathron Media can provide you with an objective, third party review of your existing media strategies, buys and administrative processes. Whether you buy media direct or use a creative agency, McEathron Media can help you optimize media.

Invoice Verification

McEathron Media manages the invoicing payment process to ensure you only pay for what has been placed and to weed out any errors. We negotiate compensation from media suppliers when there are issues. This process alone has saved our clients thousands of dollars in incorrect billing!


McEathron Media employees have experience not only as media buyers but as media suppliers. We understand the suppliers' pricing strategies and tactics.