call McEathron Media
McEathron Media

Result Oriented

As the media industry becomes more fragmented in all segments, it is very important to have a targeted and results oriented media plan. We have a strong commitment to return on investment. We achieve this by identifying clear targets, setting SMART objectives, conducting deep media research, developing a solid plan and relentless execution of that plan.

Return on investment levels are monitored during and after the campaign based on initial stated objectives. These “returns” will be communicated with you and campaigns are managed to ensure you meet your goals. We never stop working to maximize effectiveness through better, more efficient media. This results orientation means…

  1. Better planned, well targeted media.
  2. You have an advocate constantly working toward the achievement of sales objectives through better advertising campaigns.
  3. You get more effective, efficient, well negotiated media.


We work closely with clients on advertising campaigns that focus on results. We don’t consider the campaign a success until the till rings!